Safeguarding statement
The safety of children, young people and adults is of paramount importance to Family Fund. Our safeguarding statement highlights our commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children, young people and adults we come into contact with.
We especially understand the importance of keeping children safe, particularly those who are vulnerable and have additional support needs. Family Fund have specific safeguarding policies in place to make sure staff are aware of their duties and responsibilities in identifying and reporting concerns. All staff, trustees and volunteers have appropriate training to recognise and escalate any safeguarding concerns they come across. Including concerns from suppliers, contracts and partners who we work with.
Within Family Fund, we have a dedicated safeguarding team and an appointed designated safeguarding lead officer. The safeguarding team work hard to ensure that there is always someone available to look at, and support with any safeguarding concerns raised. Their role is to process all concerns in accordance with risk and follow up on any action that may be required. They ensure appropriate support is in place for the family, and if necessary, escalate concerns to the local safeguarding team. At Family Fund, we work collaboratively in partnership with other organisations and agencies to ensure effective safeguarding for families.
We strive to ensure our Family Fund core values are embedded into all Safeguarding activity; connected, determined, supportive and passionate. We are determined to protect families and individuals from harm, connected by delivering detailed training to staff, provide support by using our active listening skills and targeted signposting and we are passionate about giving the best care possible and supporting staff who identify and report concerns.